

PW Houston is an aviator, author and adventurer. His passion for writing, and desire to share that passion with the world, resulted in the novel UNSPEAKABLE.

Follow him on Facebook, keep current with his Blog, and feel free to Contact Him here.

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"From absolutely gut wrenching horror to laughter to unexpected bliss to unspeakable sadness to shocking anger and evil, your emotions will play out in this evocative read."
"This book will stimulate emotions you didn’t know you had...You will be haunted by demons and startled by angels and believe in magic and be uplifted by the power of love."


Seven-year-old Luella gripped her younger brother Kenny’s hand with ferocious strength, running hard in the night, her arms thrashing against the tall weeds as she angled away from the flames. The burning Johnson grass surged in the wind, an angry monster, raging forward, snapping at her legs and clawing at her clothes. Her body flinched as gunshots erupted close by and bullets tore through the air. Painful screams obscured other sounds and for a moment there was an unnatural silence broken only by the echo of their ragged breathing and their feet striking the ground.

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